Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Just How Screwed Up Is Your Family: Part II

Now I have a little something from our friend Harlequin from Cheshire UK:

My dad could build and use nunchuku. He was a scary individual when it came to MacGuyvering stuff, and being exceptionally good at using it. Spent a little to long 'up country' in what became Yugoslavia to be classed as 'normal' and too long escorting prisoners at Nuremberg not to be a little stir crazy. But I love him anyway.When his mind started going, it did make him a dangerous man to know. He took apart three policemen with a disassembled radiator in the evaluation home I put him in. I did warn the owners. They didn't listen. 76 year old man, quietly spoken who smiled a lot and looked frail... nothing to worry about. WRONG!!! They were lucky there wasn't a death, and Dad wouldn't have been the fatality. That was why I signed on off on them drugging him most of the time, which aggravated his condition. Then signed off on 'By any means necessary' when he started refusing the meds. Otherwise, they could have been liable for assault. Before they REALLY kicked in it was taking four 'non lethal restraint' trained nurses to administer an injection.
Most of his family seemed to die that way... earliest onset is 50. I'm 41. I watch my brother (who's 49) and he watches me. Our mother watches us both. My continuing depressive illness has been a real cause for concern to them for some time, but they cope. The reason neither my brother or I have had kids is because we wouldn't gamble with another person's life. If it was normal odds, then yes, but those who don't learn the lessons of history WILL be doomed to relive them. Statistically, looking at the metabolic oddities that characterized my dad, neither Lance nor I will have a 'good' death (if there is such a thing) And I have to try and avoid morbid fear every time I have a minor lapse of short term memory...
I think we were written by Poe...

Well, Harlequin from Cheshire UK, let me tell you, don’t take your eyes off that brother of yours. And tell your mother…to MOVE, quickly. But on the bright side, it could be worse than being written by Poe. You could have been written by me. Then no one would have ever read about you.

So, what about you? Join the fray, it can be quite therapeutic. Send your stories to me here.

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