Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where I Announce Super Good News...

Contracts have been signed.

It’s official. I’m happy to announce that my short story collection, Let’s Play White, has just sold to APEX Publications. The collection will include new work as well as several previously published stories, including my 2004 novelette, Chocolate Park, which sold out from the publisher just after publication.

Let’s Play White will debut at the World Horror Convention in April 2011.

I’m very excited about this collection and to be working with APEX. As some of you know, they’ve published some notable titles such as Dark Faith edited by Maurice Broaddus and Jerry Gorgon (which contains my short story The Unremembered) and The Apex Book of World SF edited by Lavie Tidhar. Their fiction magazine, which is edited by Catherynne M. Valente, is also impressive.

So, as you can see, I’m in good company. And just a little excited...

For future post and to keep up to date on publications, please visit: http://chesyaburke.livejournal.com/


Tyhitia Green said...

Yay! Congratulations, Chesya. Look forward to my signed copy. ;-)

horror suspense said...


I hope this finds you well. My name is Tim Kizer. I would like to ask if you would be interested in trading links. I have placed a link to your blog on my website "Horror, suspense by Tim Kizer" http://www.horror-suspense.com and would much appreciate it if you could put a link to http://www.horror-suspense.com on your link list too. Hopefully, it will help us both in Google and Yahoo search rankings.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Many thanks in advance.


Tim Kizer

horror stories said...

great news!

exterior painting said...

That's a good news. Congratulations! You did a great job. More power!

Unknown said...

very good !


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